Brakes & Clutch

Brakes & Clutch in Townsville

  • Over 20 Years' Experience
  • Catering to All Vehicle Types, Including Machinery
  • No Job Too Big or Too Small
(07) 4779 7898

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Ensure Your Safety

At NQ Diesel, we specialise in brake and clutch maintenance for all vehicle makes and models. Servicing clients across the Townsville area, our team works diligently to keep your vehicle safe, roadworthy and running well.

It’s important to be proactive about maintenance and repairs for your vehicle, especially when it comes to the clutch and brakes. If left untouched, faulty clutches or brakes can lead to serious accidents.

Most modern vehicles use either a friction clutch or hydraulic clutch, which is powered by fluid. Clutches comprise five main components: a flywheel, driven friction disc, pressure plate, release bearing and pilot bearing. Each of these components works together to transfer the rotational power produced by your vehicle’s engine to the gearbox.

Disc Brake — Automotive Repair in Townsville
Clutch — Automotive Repair in Townsville

Brakes Are Typically Powered By Hydraulic Fluid

With the force of friction, brakes convert kinetic energy into heat. Like the clutch, brakes comprise several components, including discs, pistons and pads. When a driver presses their foot down on the brake pedal, a lever connected to the pedal forces a piston into the vehicle’s master cylinder. This cylinder is filled with hydraulic fluid.

This special hydraulic system increases the force of your foot against the brake to levels strong enough to stop the vehicle. There are two main types of brakes: drum brakes and disc brakes.

Clutches keep manual vehicles running smoothly. Your clutch’s longevity depends on several factors, including how smoothly you drive and how much weight your vehicle tows. Under ideal conditions, your clutch should last for 100,000kms or more—but extra use leads to extra wear.

Brakes, On The Other Hand

Should last from 15,000 to 70,000kms. Again, this all depends on how and how much you use your vehicle. Common issues with brakes include worn brake lining, low brake fluid and misadjusted brakes.

Watch out for the following warning signs indicating brake or clutch issues:

  • Unusual noises, like squealing, scraping or rumbling
  • An unusual feeling under the foot when clutching
  • Burning odours
  • Excessive sound while braking
  • Brakes pulling to one side

If you notice any of these issues, contact NQ Diesel and bring your vehicle into the shop. We’ll quickly identify and rectify the problem, so you can get back to driving safely.

Mechanic Checking Brakes — Automotive Repair in Townsville
Mechanic Checking Car's Brake — Automotive Repair in Townsville

Our Brake And Clutch Services Include:

  • Restoring discs & drums to optimal condition with the latest pro- cut equipment
  • Identifying the need for fluid replacement
  • Replacing hydraulic clutch fluid
  • Clutch inspections & adjustments
  • Brake pad replacements
  • Brake fluid flushing & replacement

To keep your brake and clutch systems in ideal condition, we suggest booking a fluid replacement after every 20,000 kilometres or every two years. For cable-activated clutches, we suggest regular inspections and adjustments.

For brake pads, we’ll recommend the best pads for your vehicle. For discs and drums, we’ll identify the best solution out of machining and resurfacing or replacement.

Contact our friendly team to book a service today.

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